Online Quiz

1. How does this paper define democracy?

  • A form of government which suppresses the rights of women
  • A form of government which puts the rich in power and leaves the poor to fend for themselves
  • A form of government which creates poorly thought out economic policies
  • A form of government which is based on the idea that regular people decide who rules the country
A form of government which is based on the idea that regular people decide who rules the country

2. At the end of World War II, many developing countries were reliant on the help of either Russia or the United States.

  • True
  • False

3. According to this article, industrial capitalism is quantitatively better than finance capitalism.

  • True
  • False

4. According to the article, how does neoliberalism impact women?

  • Since neoliberalism increases industrial capitalism, this gives women more opportunities to work in factories and provide for their families
  • Since neoliberalism increases the economic stress on the poor, this gives them more work, which normally falls on the women
  • Since neoliberalism increases the value of work done, this helps women as their jobs pay them more
  • Since neoliberalism increases unemployment, this makes life harder for women as they no longer can get jobs
Since neoliberalism increases the economic stress on the poor, this gives them more work, which normally falls on the women

5. Why does this article take issue with calculating economic development using Gross Domestic Product (GDP)?

  • GDP only measures the work done by men, and ignores all work done by women
  • GDP ignores any work that is unpaid, the majority of which is work around the house by women
  • GDP is calculated by developed countries, unfairly ignoring work done in developing countries
  • GDP looks at the value of goods and services produced in a country
GDP ignores any work that is unpaid, the majority of which is work around the house by women

6. When women work inside the home this work is taken into account when calculating economic policies?

  • True
  • False

7. What was the result when the Indian government seized public forests?

  • Women lost access to many resources they were using to support their families, such as free wood to use in cooking
  • Men in the area were happy, as that meant there were new jobs for them
  • Women were able to have more support in the home as men were around to help them take care of their duties
  • Men could no longer hunt in the forest, so they were able to become woodcutters instead
Women lost access to many resources they were using to support their families, such as free wood to use in cooking

8. Unpaid household work could be measured by calculating how much it would cost to hire someone else to do the work.

  • True
  • False

9. The faults present in neoliberalism could theoretically be fixed by giving the rich more tax breaks.

  • True
  • False

10. Is this article arguing for abolishing democracy as a form of government?

  • No, the article is arguing that democracy needs to be maintained because it is the best way to empower people
  • No, the article is arguing that democracy is being subverted by unfair economic policies, and those are what need to change
  • Yes, the article is arguing that democracy needs to be abolished because it does not support women
  • Yes, the article is arguing that democracy needs to be abolished because it supports unfair economic practices
No, the article is arguing that democracy is being subverted by unfair economic policies, and those are what need to change
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